Earle Nelson: American serial killer (1897 - 1928)

Earle Nelson: American serial killer (1897 - 1928)
Earle Nelson was a real piece of work. Nelson was known as "the Gorilla Man," and he was a devout Pentecostal with deeply ingrained sexual problems. His favorite way to kill was to pretend like he was going to rent an apartment, and then after he gained his prospective landlord's trust, he would strangle them to death, have sex with their corpse, and usually hide the body under a bed. Nelson never fully admitted to being a murderer or a necrophiliac, and most of the quotes from his trial are just about how only God could judge him. His last words before his execution were: "I am innocent. I stand innocent before God and man. I forgive those who have wronged me and ask forgiveness of those I have injured. God have mercy! Now The story is full The Venn diagram of necrophiles and serial killers has surprisingly little crossover, but the serial killers who did enjoy having sex with corpses were (and are) some of the most brutal slayers known to man. A serial killer's habits rarely change - at least, until the person in question goes into their wild final spree, when all rational thought goes out the window and they begin to get sloppy. Most serial killers who were necrophiliacs followed their modus operandi to a T, sometimes for years. And they all had intercourse with corpses for different reasons. Some couldn’t get a date; others were afraid to be abandoned or alone. And the most frightening necrophiliac killers simply had no regard for human life and wanted to instill as much fear in the general public as possible. While many serial killers take a sick pride in their work, necrophiliacs rarely promote the fact that part of their sickness is the desire to make love to human remains. In fact, most of the criminals on here didn’t admit to having sex with a dead body until they were pressed on the facts by the police. The guys who did brag about their corpse love had either resigned themselves to the fact that they weren’t going to be seeing the outside of a cell ever again, or they might have been making it up to seem spooky.

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