The creator of the popular cartoon Shrek, William Steig, drew his character from the professional wrestler Maurice Tillet

The creator of the popular cartoon Shrek, William Steig, drew his character from the professional wrestler Maurice Tillet.
The real prototype knew 14 languages, played chess brilliantly, and despite his frightening face and great strength at first glance, he was a very modest and friendly man. He was born in 1903 in Russia, in the Urals, into a French family, which in 1917 returned to France in connection with the revolution. Did you know that the creator of the popular cartoon "Shrek" William Steig sketched his character with a professional wrestler Maurice Tillet. The real prototype knew 14 languages, brilliantly played chess, and despite the intimidating at first glance, face and enormous strength, was a very humble and friendly man. He was born in 1903 in Russia, in the Urals, a French family, which in 1917 took place in connection with the revolution went back to France. As a child, Maurice looks no different from their peers, rather the opposite - it was called "Angel," due comely facial features. But that all changed in the age of seventeen, when he started to progress a rare disease acromegaly, causing monstrous, disproportionate increase in bone, especially the facial. In connection with these awful external transformations Maurice had to give up the coveted career as a lawyer. But he did not put an end to his life, and decided to use his disadvantage as a huge advantage! Maurice went to the US to become a professional wrestler, and in May 1940 he became the champion on the version of the American Wrestling Association, holding the title for the next 19 months. He was known by the nickname "terrible ogre of the ring", but later it became known as a child, "the French Angel" because of his sincere and kind nature. It should also be noted that Maurice Tille different phenomenal intellectual abilities, which many do not even guessed. He was fluent in 14 languages, wrote wonderful stories and poems. Unfortunately, his illness progressed, and in the age of 51, Maurice, died of a heart attack. But the whole of his short but bright life is a remarkable example of human courage and bravery. Instead of complaining that life in its order gave only "sour lemon", he deftly learned from them to make "lemonade" and enjoy their life. I am sure that Maurice liked him a prototype of the cartoon Shrek, which also, as he is kind and sensitive, despite their frightening appearance.

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