In 1509, King Henry VII of England died of tuberculosis at the age of 52

in 1509, King Henry VII of England died of tuberculosis at the age of
He drew his final breath in Richmond Palace. He first fell ill some time in late 1508 and by February 1509, he stopped receiving visitors on state business. From then on, there appeared to be a steady decline in his health. While on his deathbed, Henry received sacraments, which, according to John Fisher, he did so with "a marvellous compassion and flow of tears" and "many knockings and beatings of his breast". Henry's death was hidden from the public until the 23rd of April. He was buried at Westminster Abbey alongside his wife of 17 years, Elizabeth of York. He was succeeded by his son, the infamous King Henry VIII.

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The first execution by electrocution in history, is carried out against William Kemmler

The first execution by electrocution in history, is carried out against William Kemmler
On August 6, 1890, at Auburn Prison in New York, the first execution by electrocution in history, is carried out against William Kemmler, who had been convicted of murdering his lover, Matilda Ziegler, with a hatchet. William had accused her of stealing from him, and preparing to run away with a friend of his... click image to read story

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